Crime and Society Newsletter
America's Criminologist with Dr. Currie Myers
The Growing Threat of Islamic Terrorism in the U.S.: A Warning We Cannot Ignore

The Growing Threat of Islamic Terrorism in the U.S.: A Warning We Cannot Ignore

The America's Criminologist Podcast with Dr. Currie Myers
Hamas riots on a campus

Welcome to the America’s Criminologist Podcast with Dr. Currie Myers. This week, I discuss the Tyreek Hill incident, but my main focus is on Islamic terrorism.

Islamic terrorism continues to pose a significant threat to national security, and recent events across Europe and the United States serve as stark reminders of the real dangers we face. From planned attacks in the heart of Europe to the alarming influx of potential terrorists across our borders, we must recognize the gravity of this threat and the consequences of failing to address it. 

Austrian Security Forces Foil an Islamic Terror Plot 

This week, Austrian security forces carried out raids against 72 alleged Islamic extremists, demonstrating the ongoing challenge of tackling homegrown and international terrorist threats. These raids came a month after Austrian authorities successfully thwarted a plot to attack a series of Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna. The main suspect, a 19-year-old Austrian man inspired by the Islamic State, sought to kill tens of thousands of concertgoers. The potential for mass casualties was horrifying, and the plot's connection to the Islamic State underscores the persistent influence of this global terrorist organization. 

Islamic terrorism is not just a European problem—it is an ongoing threat to the safety and security of the United States. The attempted attack in Austria highlights the ease with which radical ideologies, such as those promoted by the Islamic State, can inspire individuals to carry out mass murder. As we saw in Vienna, these threats can arise unexpectedly and in seemingly peaceful settings, reminding us that no nation is immune. 

The Influence of the Muslim Brotherhood 

At the heart of the global Islamic terrorist movement is the Muslim Brotherhood, a militant Islamist organization with affiliates in over 70 countries, including the United States. Founded in Egypt in 1928, the Brotherhood seeks to establish a global Islamic caliphate ruled by sharia law, a totalitarian legal code that infringes upon the rights of individuals, particularly women and religious minorities. The group's violent ideology and extremist goals have far-reaching consequences, and its presence in the U.S. presents a direct threat to our national security. 

The Brotherhood's dangerous aspirations were most vividly seen during the brief reign of then-President Mohamed Morsi in Egypt from 2012 to 2013. Morsi, a member of the Brotherhood, effectively dismantled the rule of law, granting himself near-absolute power. His actions demonstrated the Brotherhood's intent to create authoritarian Islamist regimes, reminiscent of theocracies such as Iran, where civil liberties are crushed under the weight of religious extremism. Mohamed El Baradei, a prominent Egyptian leader, even described Morsi’s takeover as the establishment of a "new pharaoh," underscoring the authoritarian nature of the Brotherhood's rule. 

Despite its claim to be a peaceful political organization, the Brotherhood's involvement in terrorism has been widely documented. Former FBI Director Robert Mueller testified before Congress that elements of the Brotherhood, both in the U.S. and abroad, have supported terrorism. The organization's networks, which raise money in the U.S., directly fund groups such as Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist organization responsible for countless attacks on civilians. In 2008, leaders of the Texas-based Holy Land Foundation, a front for the Brotherhood, were convicted of providing material support to Hamas. These facts make it clear that the Brotherhood’s activities are not limited to political advocacy—they actively support violent jihad. 

In recent years, the U.S. State Department has designated two offshoots of the Brotherhood, HASM and Liwa al-Thawra, as terrorist organizations. Both groups are responsible for bombings and assassinations in Egypt, targeting senior government officials. The Brotherhood's influence reaches far beyond Egypt, and its global networks continue to pose a serious threat to U.S. national security. 

The Border Crisis and Its Security Implications 

While the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates represent a clear and present danger, the broader issue of Islamic terrorism also intersects with America’s border crisis. Since FY21, U.S. border agents have encountered 362 individuals on the terrorist watchlist attempting to cross the Southwest border illegally. This staggering figure raises serious questions about the security of our borders and the effectiveness of current enforcement policies. 

One particularly alarming statistic is the dramatic increase in encounters at the northern border, where apprehensions rose by 1,240% in April of FY24 compared to the same month in FY21. This surge suggests that potential terrorists are exploiting vulnerabilities not only along the southern border but also in areas traditionally considered more secure. The implications are clear: America's borders are far from impenetrable, and we must take this threat seriously. 

Perhaps even more concerning is the fact that 70,000 Special Interest Aliens (SIAs) have been encountered by U.S. border agents between October 2021 and October 2023. SIAs are travelers who have engaged in suspicious activities or travel patterns that suggest a possible threat to national security. Among these SIAs were 6,386 Afghans, 3,153 Egyptians, 659 Iranians, and 538 Syrians. The presence of such a large number of individuals from countries with active terrorist organizations is cause for alarm. It is essential that we recognize the national security risks posed by this influx of potentially dangerous individuals. There is no doubt that with another year behind us, the number is closer to 100,000 now.  

The Consequences of Lax Border Enforcement 

The lax enforcement of U.S. immigration laws has created a significant security vulnerability. Terrorist organizations like the Islamic State and the Muslim Brotherhood have shown time and again their willingness to exploit weak points in the U.S. system to infiltrate the country and carry out attacks. The Biden administration's failure to secure the border leaves us vulnerable to potential terrorist infiltrations, as evidenced by the rising number of SIAs and individuals on terrorist watchlists attempting to enter the U.S. 

The failure to address these threats at our borders is compounded by the lack of comprehensive immigration reform and the political reluctance to enforce existing laws. By allowing Special Interest Aliens and individuals on the terrorist watchlist to cross into the U.S., we are playing a dangerous game with national security. The consequences of these policy failures are not theoretical—they are real and potentially deadly. 

A Warning to the U.S. 

The threat of Islamic terrorism is not diminishing. It is evolving and exploiting the weaknesses in our national security infrastructure, from Europe to our own borders. The planned attack on Taylor Swift's Vienna concerts and the presence of terrorist networks like the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. are not isolated incidents—they are part of a larger, coordinated effort to undermine our safety and freedoms. 

We must take these threats seriously and act decisively to secure our borders and dismantle the networks that fund and support terrorism on American soil. Ignoring these dangers or minimizing their significance is not an option. We need stronger enforcement at our borders, greater cooperation with international partners, and a renewed focus on disrupting terrorist organizations that operate both domestically and abroad. 

If we fail to act, the consequences will be dire. The safety of American citizens and the security of our nation depend on our ability to recognize the threat of Islamic terrorism and take meaningful steps to counter it. The time for complacency is over—it’s time for action. 

And that’s my criminal justice memo for the week! Stay safe and have a great weekend. This is Dr Currie Myers, America’s Criminologist. To view my work please visit and please share and like our page! Paid subscribers get total access to all my writings included my book, “The Advent of Feral Man.”

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About the Author: Dr Currie Myers, America's Criminologist - Author, Convert, Family Issues, Fatherhood, Men's Issues, Motivational, Pornography, Radio / TV, Social Issues, Spiritual Warfare, Virtues Catholic Speaker Contact ( for Dr. Myers to speak at your event!

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Crime and Society Newsletter
America's Criminologist with Dr. Currie Myers
Talking crime and criminal justice issues with renown Criminologist Sheriff (Ret) Currie Myers, PhD, MBA. MS.
Dr Myers is an applied criminologist and public policy ethicist that is billed as "America's Criminologist" a media favorite on podcasts, radio, and television.