Crime and Society Newsletter
America's Criminologist with Dr. Currie Myers
Dr Currie Myers Interview of FBI SA (Ret) Thomas Baker on the Lou Desmond Show

Dr Currie Myers Interview of FBI SA (Ret) Thomas Baker on the Lou Desmond Show

Courtesy of the Lou Desmond Show on KMET in San Bernardino.

This week I was the guest host on the Lou Desmond Show on KMET in San Bernardino in which my guest was FBI SA (Ret) Thomas Baker.

Thomas J. Baker is an international law enforcement consultant. He served as an FBI Special Agent for 33 years in a variety of investigative and management positions facing the challenges of crime and terrorism. He has extensive experience with police management and training issues, having served as a management instructor at the FBI academy in Quantico, Virginia. He has been published in professional journals, both nationally and internationally, on aspects of biometrics, major case management, and police training. He has commented on television and radio, concerning these and other FBI related topics.

Mr. Baker’s international experience is extensive. He served as the Legal Attaché at the American Embassy in Canberra, Australia, where he was responsible for maintaining U.S. law enforcement interests in a large part of the Asia Pacific area. He then was assigned as the Legal Attaché in Paris, France, where he worked not only in Western Europe but in much of Africa

The FBI veteran explains how the Mueller–Comey cabal turned the FBI from a “swear to tell the truth”, law-enforcement agency to a politicized intelligence organization. We also discussed the investigation into assassination attempts as he was the lead FBI agent working the Reagan assassination attempt.

Americans have lost faith in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, an institution they once regarded as the world’s greatest law-enforcement agency. Thomas Baker spent many years with the FBI and is deeply troubled by this loss of faith. Specific lapses have come to light, and each is thoroughly discussed in this book: Why did they happen? What changed? The answer begins days after the 9/11 attacks when the FBI underwent a significant change in culture.

To understand how far the Bureau has fallen, this book shows the crucial role played by the FBI and its agents in past decades. It was quite often, as the reader will see from these firsthand experiences, a fun-filled adventure with exciting skyjackings, kidnappings, and bank robberies. At the same time, the reader will see the reverence the Bureau had for the Constitution and the concern agents held for the rights of each American. His book The Fall of the FBI is available on Amazon.

Podcast also available on Spotify on America’s Criminologist with Dr. Currie Myers.

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Crime and Society Newsletter
America's Criminologist with Dr. Currie Myers
Talking crime and criminal justice issues with renown Criminologist Sheriff (Ret) Currie Myers, PhD, MBA. MS.
Dr Myers is an applied criminologist and public policy ethicist that is billed as "America's Criminologist" a media favorite on podcasts, radio, and television.