Crime and Society Newsletter
America's Criminologist with Dr. Currie Myers
Welcome to the America’s Criminologist Podcast for June 7, 2024.

Welcome to the America’s Criminologist Podcast for June 7, 2024.

This is Dr Currie Myers with some interesting criminal justice news and events that have occurred in the United States.

My Podcast is brought to you by MAGLITE, America's #1 source for illumination. Visit and don't forget to enter the code SMADRCURRIEMYERS at checkout!

My new book, “The Advent of Feral Man” is now available on Substack In this book, I present compelling evidence that within the last decade, America is going into a quick decent into the “wilding” of human beings. A phenomenon that is perpetuated by the lack of faith, family, and formation in our human development. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

This week I was honored to be on the guest host on the Lou Desmond Show out of San Bernadino. This week my guest was retired SA Thomas Baker, a 33-year veteran of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Thomas’ latest book, The Fall of the FBI: How a Once Great Agency Became a Threat to Democracy” explains how the Mueller–Comey cabal turned the FBI from a “swear to tell the truth”, law-enforcement agency to a politicized intelligence organization. Available on Amazon.

I am also now featured on Podstarz and a part of their celebrity booking in their True Crime category, so I look forward to appearing on podcasts across the U.S discussing crime, criminal justice and criminological issues.

I wrote on substack this week about the impact of oil prices and criminal justice: The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has decided to maintain its low oil production strategy for the coming year, leading to rising oil prices worldwide. While the economic ramifications of this decision are vast, one critical and often overlooked consequence is its impact on police agencies and their budgets.

This is Dr Currie Myers, America’s Criminologist. To view my work please visit and please share and like our page! And please remember my friends at MAGLITE. Visit their site today and get up to 40% off if you are a new user and make sure and use my code SMADRCURRIEMYERS at checkout. St Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Stay safe and have a great weekend!

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Crime and Society Newsletter
America's Criminologist with Dr. Currie Myers
Talking crime and criminal justice issues with renown Criminologist Sheriff (Ret) Currie Myers, PhD, MBA. MS.
Dr Myers is an applied criminologist and public policy ethicist that is billed as "America's Criminologist" a media favorite on podcasts, radio, and television.