Crime and Society Newsletter
America's Criminologist with Dr. Currie Myers
Dr Currie Myers on the Hammer and Nigel Show.

Dr Currie Myers on the Hammer and Nigel Show.

Courtesy Hammer and Nigel Show, 93.1 FM WIBC, Indianapolis.

The Hammer and Nigel Show is hosted by Indianapolis natives Jason Hammer and Nigel Laskowski. Every afternoon, get caught up on what happened in politics, sports, news, and all things related to central Indiana!

Applied Criminologist, Ethicist, and retired Sheriff, Dr Currie Myers appeared on the show to discuss the false narrative of “low crime rates” and why crime is actually at an all-time high. Show Date 9.25.24

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Crime and Society Newsletter
America's Criminologist with Dr. Currie Myers
Talking crime and criminal justice issues with renown Criminologist Sheriff (Ret) Currie Myers, PhD, MBA. MS.
Dr Myers is an applied criminologist and public policy ethicist that is billed as "America's Criminologist" a media favorite on podcasts, radio, and television.