Crime and Society Newsletter
America's Criminologist with Dr. Currie Myers
Dr Currie Myers interview of Sheriff Chad Bianco of the Riverside County Sheriff's Office on the Lou Desmond Show

Dr Currie Myers interview of Sheriff Chad Bianco of the Riverside County Sheriff's Office on the Lou Desmond Show

A discussion on the consequences and results of Prop 47 in California after ten years. And it's not good! Courtesy KMET Radio San Bernardino, California

Chad Bianco was elected Sheriff, Coroner, and Public Administrator of Riverside County in the November 6, 2018, general election. In June 2022, he was re-elected to his second term. He is a thirty-year veteran of the Sheriff's Office. As Sheriff, he serves as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of Riverside County.

Sheriff Bianco oversees the County's five jail facilities, six court buildings, a civil bureau, the Coroner's Bureau, Public Administrator's Office, twelve patrol stations, seventeen contract cities, 4,200 dedicated employees and an operating budget of just over one billion dollars.

Sheriff Bianco is a member of the California State Coroners' Association, National Sheriffs' Association, Western States Sheriffs' Association and is on the Board of Directors for the California State Sheriffs' Association and Major County Sheriffs of America Association.

Sheriff Bianco is married with four adult children, and four grandchildren. He and his wife, Denise, live in the Woodcrest area of Riverside. Sheriff Bianco believes in service above self, and hopes that his priorities of God, family, and service will provide meaningful guidance and direction as the Sheriff's Office engages in an unprecedented change of culture to positively serve the residents of Riverside County.

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Crime and Society Newsletter
America's Criminologist with Dr. Currie Myers
Talking crime and criminal justice issues with renown Criminologist Sheriff (Ret) Currie Myers, PhD, MBA. MS.
Dr Myers is an applied criminologist and public policy ethicist that is billed as "America's Criminologist" a media favorite on podcasts, radio, and television.